female international student working in an office with boss overseeing her work.  Work in Canada as a student through co-op, off campus work, or practicum experience

Work in Canada

Add Canadian work experience to your resume and earn money to support your studies and life abroad.

Gain Canadian experience through off-campus work, or by choosing a Co-op or practicum program.

Studying at Greystone College offers more than just an amazing career education, it provides immersive opportunities to study and work in Canada. With a study visa, you'll qualify for off-campus work rights during your academic studies. If you choose a Co-operative education program you'll combine classroom learning with work experience related to your program of study. Build your career networks, enhance your resume, and earn money to support your student life.

Why Study and Work in Canada

Do you want to work in Canada? Learn about our student support and see a list of available jobs.

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