Explore Montréal’s diverse neighborhoods, popular cafes and venues at the same time as you enhance your knowledge of everyday French to communicate more easily with native speakers outside the classroom. Take part in tours, listen to presenters and interact with locals to discover and use specific daily target language in real-life situations. This course will empower you to explore Montréal and to see it through the eyes of Montréalers.
Build your vocabulary, fluency and confidence as you participate in dynamic group activities and lively classroom discussions on a diverse range of topics. This popular course is open to students of all French language abilities.
Learn to form logical, coherent opinions then present, support, and defend these opinions in debates. Debates must be able to read and synthesize information, and then summarize and support their ideas. Students will develop their speaking, listening, note-taking, and writing skills, and will improve fluency, confidence, and critical thinking skills.
Improve your French speaking and reading skills while exploring fashion from around the globe. You will study international designers' biographies and talk about the influence fashion has in our everyday lives, as well as the negative impact fashion standards can have on society.
Become an investigative reporter for the ILSC News. Refine writing, vocabulary, grammar and design skills in print format, and through blogging. Students have the opportunity to explore the city, investigate issues that are important to them and build solid interviewing skills.
Discover the world of international relations, explore various type of companies/organizations, marketing strategies, and more. Develop your international business knowledge and expand your business vocabulary. Using market research and the knowledge you've learned in the class, you will create a marketing campaign for a product or service of your choice, which will be presented at the end of the session.
Master the language of international affairs and keep pace with today's changing political climate. Practice English through debates on politics, economics and law. Instructional media for this course includes television, video and the Internet.
Enhance your knowledge of everyday colloquial French to communicate more easily with native speakers outside the classroom. Informal language including idioms, phrasal verbs and slang, are taught for practical, real life situations using a variety of authentic materials such as TV shows, commercials and blogs.