
FREE Job Club

Get tips to help you secure and keep a job in Australia

Work with the written and spoken word with increased confidence and fluency through Creative English.

Adopt English speaking culture by embracing the tones and the passion of the language! Find your English voice by progressing from shorter to longer written pieces, from dialogues to storytelling, radio, theatre and onward to theatrical or filmmaking productions.


Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide


Flexible lunchtime or after-school workshops.




Any level


About Working in Australia as a Student

In Australia, most international students taking ELICOS and VET programs have the right to work during their studies. Specific work rights vary depending on the type of visa a student has.

Study Visas currently allow you to work up to 48 hours per two week period while you are studying, and unlimited hours during scheduled course breaks.*

Working Holiday Visas allow you to work full-time for up to 12 months.*


*All work and visa information is reviewed periodically by the Australian government and is subject to change. For the most current information, see the Australian government’s Department of Home Affairs | Immigration and citizenship website: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder

Why join the FREE Job Club

  • Ongoing flexible format means students can attend the sessions that interest them most
  • Explore Australian business culture and find out what to expect from the local job market
  • Learn how to attain a tax file number and bank accounts
  • Get tips for writing résumés, cover letters, and job applications that meet Australian standards
  • Learn common vocabulary related to employment and job searches
  • Practise interview skills and explore what qualities and attributes will help you do well in your job
  • The Job Club is totally a totally FREE service to support your study and work experience in Australia!

Ready to make the next step?