Choose Micro-credentials to develop the specific skills you need for success!
Greystone College Micro-credentials offer snack-sized learning opportunities! Choose the specific learning topics that interest you, or that you need to get your next job opportunity or raise; or combine Micro-credentials to create your own unique learning experience. Micro-credentials are also a great way to get an introduction to a particular career area to see if you want to pursue further studies in that field.
Our Micro-credentials overlap with curriculum from our full-length Certificate and Diploma programs in areas like Business, Digital Marketing, Hospitality and Tech. You'll learn from our expert instructors who have worked in the field, and bring relevant and current industry knowledge and experience to enrich your learning.
Students who complete a Micro-credential will receive a Certificate of Completion.
For international students, these programs do not require a study permit.
View Toronto Micro-credential and Vancouver Micro-credential pricing & info.